2018 Theatre

Theatre Artists in Residence: Keith Huff & Mark Clements

Playwright Keith Huff (Mad Men, House of Cards, and Broadway's A Steady Rain) and Mark Clements (Artistic Director of the Milwaukee Rep) come together to produce a reading of Huff's new play with dance, Falling Bodies, with choreography by Julia Rhoades.

Falling Bodies

Falling Bodies

June 15th, 8:30pm-10:30pm

When a seasoned homicide detective’s daughter falls from a college dorm room window, the campus police rule her death a suicide. Tormented by grief and rage, the girl’s father, convinced her death is actually a murder being covered up by the college, determines to get to the truth no matter what.

Special Event: DKAF Koffeehouse

Music, comedy, dance, cocktails, and a special screening...

Music by the Claudettes
Dance by Aaron-Raheim White
Comedy by Anya Kopischke
a new film by Tim Monsion
and a screening of our short film series Best of the Fest!

June 14th, 7:00pm-11:00pm
Thursday night pass, festival pass, and premium passes accepted